Thursday, September 18, 2014


               I like to imagine my life five years from now, or, rather, where I long for my life to be at that time. I have married my fiancée, and that year will be our fifth wedding anniversary. God willing, Fiancée will have been able to adopt my children, and the love of our family grows stronger by the day. SugarBear will be 10 years old (10! I can’t even imagine that well enough), and Bunny will be 8. Our cat, Pebbles, will probably be bread-loaf size by then, and hopefully a lot more mature and calm. I would love to have a dog. Maybe Newfoundland, maybe Welsh Corgi. Just depends.
               Fiancée and I dream of a large, multi-story home on acres of farmland, where we can begin semi-self-sustainability with a large garden, a few cows, horses, chickens, and fruit trees. We would love to be in a position to adopt and to foster children, to bring in more people to our family and fill them with loyalty and love. I like to imagine owning a computer repair business, and, of course, it becoming successful. Fiancée would be part stay-at-home mom, part art shop owner, all superhero.
               The images that make my heart most glad are the ones where the children run around our yard playing touch football and hide-and-seek; the ones where I hear tip-toeing across the hall to visit one another in the early hours of the morning; the ones where we take road trips to Nana and Pop’s house, singing and laughing the whole way.
               I don’t know how to get there, or when we will, but I hold on to that hope and I strive to make it a reality. I can’t wait to add to our family, with more children of my own and others that we are blessed with having.

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