Monday, September 22, 2014

Ramble on!

                I really hate writing this blog. I’ve never really enjoyed writing much as it is, but writing for a blog seems to be the worst thing I’ve been required to write for a composition class. I don’t understand what blogging is doing for my language skills. I have been reading some of the others’ posts in Blackboard, and their writing is atrocious. I truly wonder if their teachers passed them simply to be rid of them.
               When I am in classes, I love being challenged, but it feels as though this English Comp course has become very lackluster. Instead of actually challenging young minds, it just gives us a ton of regular “busy work”; at least, that is what I feel. I had been under the impression that this was a class that promoted creative writing. When you set boundaries and limits on the number of words and subjects, you are squelching the creativity that lies within writing.
I’m really just rambling today, because I have nothing pressing on my mind that I would care to write about. I seriously was considering refusing to create a blog for this class. I don’t like blogs, and I don’t like being forced to create an account for yet another online service that I have no desire of using. Not only that, but now what I write on it is out there, for the whole world. I think it’s pretty screwed up to require a blog for “free writing”. Just give us a threaded discussion board that allows only the instructor to read the submitted documents.
Anyway, I’m nearing the end of my goal number of words for this post, and thank goodness, because I really don’t want to write any more tonight. I’m tired from work, school, and lack of sleep from last night. And that’s Jenga.


  1. It was pretty tough for me to get into this too. I don't mind writing a blog every few days to so, but i honestly don't know what to talk about every single day. Also, that they aren't being graded or critiqued, seems to make it less of a learning assignment, and just a bit of busy work.

  2. Michael - I so appreciate your honesty and will be counting this post as your reflection. I never thought of practicing and honing as busy work. All an instructor has to go on is what she sees working in her classrooms and as essay abilities drop, I see that writing practice must increase. Rambling is still thinking, thinking in print is still writing. ~Ms. A.
